To go Paperless or Not to go Paperless?
I've been pondering whether or not I should go digital this year. I like having my students work on computers, it seems to keep them engaged and as I have a few ESE students who must be on computers as part of there accommodations it helps not have anyone feel singled out. So in order to help me decide I'm going to list the benefits and disadvantages of the constant use of technology.
Students are engaged- Let's face it, students are online all the time be it social media, Youtube, or Instagram. Being on a computer seems natural to many of them, so they work well on the computer.Easy Grading- On Google classroom I grade and return. Students see their results quickly, I don't have to worry about losing papers, and I'm able to make comments.
Technology skills- Students learn how to create and use online platforms while still learning about English. They can create webpages, presentations, and even video editing. No one can deny computer skills are valuable to future employment.
Lots of material- There are lots of materials and online videos I can post for students to reference or even use as part of an assignment.
At home not all students have access- Economically disadvantaged students will have challenges being able to access and use materials to study from at home. Some do not have a computer at home or access to the internet.Peer-to- peer interaction- Yes students can collaborate online, but it's not the same as in person. The computer filters out actual human contact which everyone needs.
Charging- I have laptops in my room. I have to make sure they are always charged between classes. Hence, it's difficult to do that without the students having some time off the computer.
Records- While electronic records are fine the state requires I keep a solid folder of student work throughout the school year. Printing can be a pain considering how many files I would have open and print. Sometimes a solid paper copy is better.
I'll probably still use Google classroom and other technologies this year but not 100% of the time. I feel that being in front of computer screen all day is unnatural and unnecessary. Technology is valuable but no replacement for human interaction. What do you think? What role will technology play in your classroom this year.
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